Last week was very busy with planning. In Raleigh Tuesday, I met with three business professionals and we discussed the Global Orphan Care Initiative's mission and recent developments.
More details being worked out for The Connected Child conference in March, 2008. Possible venues are being being negotiated and we would like to make a decision asap. I met with the Bethesda Romania school board in Winston-Salem on Thursday and we worked on plans for the upcoming year. I'm also looking forward to meetings in Raleigh this morning and Wednesday with Walt Johnson and the NC COLPAA. Thursday and Friday I plan to be in Houston with Karyn Purvis, Eugene Allison and others with an orphan care focus group. Lots of interest in Karyn's work and it would be great if we could spread her message at least in a condensed format to OVC care givers worldwide.
Dwain Gullion
"Sent via BlackBerry wireless device."
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