Friday, November 5, 2010

Live from Colorado Springs

Join students and other orphan advocates across America for the Orphan Sunday weekend National Simulcast Concert

LIVE from Colorado Springs!

6:00 PM Pacific 7:00 PM Mountain 8:00 PM Central 9:00 PM Eastern

Worship with The Desperation Band, meet orphans around the globe, and hear
how students are showing the world God’s heart in service to orphans.

There are 3 ways to join this event:

1. LIVE ON THE WEB: Watch the webcast online on the Orphan Sunday website HERE!

2. LIVE BROADCAST: The NRB Network will broadcast the concert live on DirecTV’s channel 378 and SkyAngel, channel 126.

3. LIVE VIA SATELLITE: This medium is appropriate for larger audiences in venues with satellite viewing capability and larger screens. (Satellite information here.)

Also consider as part of your "LIVE!" event:
Offering a simple “orphan meal” of porridge or rice & salt
Leading discussion on God’s concern for the fatherless and our role in response
Picking a Heartwork project for your student group to adopt

Following your "LIVE!" event, consider leading discussion around the following questions:

1. What of God’s character is revealed in descriptions like “He defends the cause of the fatherless” (Dt. 10:18), or “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families” (Psalm 68)?

2. How are God’s heart and actions towards us mirrored when Christians care for orphans through adoption, foster care and care for orphans worldwide?

3. Why do you think James (1:27) describes care for orphans as a central part of “pure and faultless religion”?

4. What would be the impact if Christians consistently made God’s heart for orphans visible to the world?

5. In what ways might you consider acting upon these convictions?

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